A Hurricane in the Desert?

Today marks exactly one month since we began Workamping at Riverbend Hot Springs in Truth or Consequences, NM. Last night and today made us really wonder (yet again) why we chose this part of New Mexico for the winter. The winds were unbelievable! We had steady winds of 25-35 mph with gusts of 50 mph! The winds began yesterday afternoon and built steadily over the rest of the day and night. By 4 am, our camper was rocking so much I really thought we might get knocked over. In this camper we’ve been through a Tropical Storm in Florida and a SEVERE thunderstorm in the Badlands of South Dakota (70 mph gusts) that were nothing compared to this constant buffering of winds. Dale (another workamper who has been at Riverbend for about 17 months now) said it was unusual to have such bad winds this time of year (though not unusual to be very windy – as we’ve found out these past weeks), but it was quite normal for springtime. He said when he first got to TorC he made the mistake of leaving all the windows open in his RV and coming back to find all his blinds trashed after a bout of winds. We had a good laugh comparing our RVs to boats – as the way our RVs were rocking it truly felt as if we were out on the open seas today. Crazy.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/2535512]

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