Cats and Colds

Minnow the Cat keeping warm on the computer

Chuck and I (and I think even Shadow) are suffering from some pretty nasty head colds right now. I got it first and it’s been over a week since my symptoms started and instead of getting better, I’ve just gotten worse. Now Chuck’s feeling the effects and Shadow’s been coughing as well. I think it’s a combination of the very dry air, some really cold weather lately (down to 24 degrees just the other night!) and all the frequent winds that constantly kicks up the dirt and dust around here. Add to that (for me, anyway, with my allergies) the resident cat here at Riverbend that basically lives in the office at night when I’m on duty and we’ve got the recipe for some serious head congestion. Oh well, hopefully we’ll all be feeling better soon. I’ve got the next three days off to just rest and get over it. Hope Chuck and Shadow get over it quicker!

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