Archive for the ‘Native American’ Category

On Top of Crazy Horse Mountain

Today we stood on the arm of Crazy Horse Mountain in Custer, SD. Our guide was Tom Wilson who works at the Crazy Horse Memorial. He was a joy to talk and spend time with, as is everyone we’ve ever met while visiting the site of the largest mountain carving in the world, begun by […]

I Finished!

I finished! Yay for that. Unfortunately, if anyone has seen my times on the Marine Corps Marathon site (and the pictures of me running which are awful!) you will have thought to yourself how SLOW can she go?! ;-P However, considering the injury I was dealing with for about the last four weeks, I’m satisfied […]

Chuck’s Thoughts on Crazy Horse

Today we got up at zero dark thirty (about 5:20 am civilian time). It was very dark and cool (38 degrees) and a light rain. This was going to be one of our best and most memorable days of our new life on the road. We were headed for Sunrise Service on the arm of […]

Billy Mills – 1964 Olympics – Video Clips

Short version – B&W: Longer version – Color:

Life on an Indian Reservation – Video

This is a MUST see video about WHY I’m running the Marine Corps Marathon specifically for Team Running Strong for American Indian Youth. PLEASE – Check out this online video of the “Life on an Indian Reservation” Episode of the Hit FX show “30 Days”: LINK: 30 Days – Life on an Indian Reservation

Running Brave – Video Clip

Today Chuck and I watched Running Brave – the movie made about Billy Mills back in 1983 with Robby Benson. Wow. We had seen it before many years ago, but had forgotten most of it. How inspiring and interesting it was! Lots of motivation to keep running and training for the MCM. I highly recommend […]

Team Running Strong & The Marine Corps Marathon

Yes, I am running the Marine Corps Marathon! No, I am not insane. Yes, it is for a good cause! No, I have never run a marathon before. Yes, you can come watch me race! No, you cannot throw things at me as I run past… Hi! I am a Marine attempting her First Marathon […]